108 Old Fort Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5HB
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The quickest and fastest way to Learn English is by “Living the English Language”. This means that you will have an English cultural immersion by living and learning the English language with a native English language teacher. The majority of our students all say that they have made more progress by taking a one or two week English course with us, than by having a whole year of lessons in their own country.
So isn’t it worth taking one or two weeks away to really break through that barrier and see a huge improvement in your English, either in the written; spoken or reading levels?
Why is this? The answer is quite simple. When you visit the English country of your choice, you don’t get a chance to speak anything other than English, which means you are already immersed in the language of your choice and soon you will be thinking and breathing it, with ease.
Arriving in any English speaking country you will immediately work out how much English you know and how much you need to learn. Some people do this on a Language Exchange Programme whilst others just book to attend a local English Language School in the area. Those who really want an Intensive English Programme will book one of our Homestay Tuition Courses, living and learning English with our teachers. Learning and Speaking English everyday is the only way to really improve your English in a short time. Don’t worry – all of our teachers are native English speakers.
Finding an English Course can be difficult so take a look at the Courses we offer. You will find them varied but all relating to English studies and all are offered in an English speaking countries, such as England; Canada; South Africa; Malta; New Zealand and Ireland. Such a choice…
You will certainly improve your English in a matter of days and will soon be thinking in English as well as speaking and writing in English. If you really want to improve your English, fast, then try our Intensive English Programmes/fast track English course, Courses which can be taken at any time throughout the year in the home of one of our English Language Teachers. Some of these Courses can be taken over 4 days, or a long weekend, and this is why we call this our Rapid English Course. Living English in Homestay can offer you the best Language Homestay Experience
If you like free Grammar Lessons, please keep an eye on our blog series Skills.
If you are young student who looking for Summr school, please check our youth website English Language Homestays.
Please take a look at our Homestay English Tutors for a perfect 1:1 English Language course.
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