Andrea K

Andrea K


Andrea K


Hove, East Sussex, UK

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Travel information :

Location: Hove, East Sussex | View a map of this location

Nearest airport(s): Gatwick Airport, 30 Minutes away

Nominated airport(s) for transfers: Gatwick (LGW)

Heathrow airport supplement: Available on Request

Nearest railway station: Hove

Tutors Categories :

  • Business English, English for Families, English for Seniors (55+), English Immersion Plus, Exam English, General English, IELTS Preparation Course, Online Business English, Online Exam English, Online General English
Brighton Area

About :

English is a passion of mine and I love learning other languages too. I am a very active person and this comes across in my lessons. I love travelling and would very much like to travel the world exploring places and meeting people from different cultures. Another reason why I love teaching foreign students is that I get to know new things about different countries and can ‘travel’ a little that way. I am adventurous and like trying new things from food to activities and this year tried rafting (something I’d wanted to do for years) in Nepal which was an amazing experience. I also did some community work while I was there and I like doing things in Brighton which help people less fortunate. I believe it is good to pass on things to people who don’t have so much in life whether that be knowledge or time.

I have taught dyslexic students with success, I have had a lot of exam prep experience with success, I have been teaching for over 30 years, I do online classes, I have done pre university entrance courses.

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